Cracking the Safe
“For security against robbers who snatch purses, rifle luggage, and crack safes, one must fasten all property with ropes, lock it up with locks, bolt it with bolts.
This (for property owners) is elementary good sense.

(Top photo of bank vault courtesy of Flickr user Brook Ward (CC BY-NC 2.0. Photos clockwise from top left to bottom left: courtesy of Pixabay.)

But when a strong thief comes along he picks up the whole lot, puts it on his back, and goes away with only one fear: that [those same] ropes, locks, and bolts may give way.
Thus what the world calls good business is only a way to gather up the loot, pack it, [and] make it secure in one convenient load for the more enterprising thieves.
Who is there, among those called smart, who does not spend his time amassing loot for a bigger robber than himself?”
-Chapter 10 of Chuang Tzu (aka Zhuangzi) as translated by Thomas Merton
“Steal a little and they throw you in jail.
Steal a lot and they make you king.”
-Bob Dylan

“For security against robbers who snatch purses, rifle luggage, and crack safes, one must fasten all property with ropes, lock it up with locks, bolt it with bolts.
This (for property owners) is elementary good sense.
But when a strong thief comes along he picks up the whole lot, puts it on his back, and goes away with only one fear: that [those same] ropes, locks, and bolts may give way.

(Top photo of bank vault courtesy of Brook Ward (CC BY-BC 2.0). Above photo courtesy of Pixabay.)
Thus what the world calls good business is only a way to gather up the loot, pack it, [and] make it secure in one convenient load for the more enterprising thieves.
Who is there, among those called smart, who does not spend his time amassing loot for a bigger robber than himself?”
-Chapter 10 of Chuang Tzu (aka Zhuangzi) as translated by Thomas Merton
“Steal a little and they throw you in jail.
Steal a lot and they make you king.”
-Bob Dylan

(Photo courtesy of Pixabay)